Party Crashers
Party Crashers is a group project developed by a team of over 20 students
The inspiration for party crashers was to create a new experience by combining dungeon crawler combat and party game minigames creating an engaging dynamic that alternates cooperative combat and hectic competitive minigames.
About The Project
What I Did
Mechanics and System Design, UI-UX Design, Programming, Narrative Design
-Completed 12 detailed wireframes for all mini games and weapons, assisting programmers in the efficient completions of those features.
-Designed 4 mini games, 3 of which were included in the release.
-Prototyped player health/direction indicator, which provided direction to the UI designer.
-Repeatedly assisted teammates in design meetings, which resulted in major iterations of core game mechanics. including
-The party bar (progression system)
-Player score and death penalty
-Managed and worked with a small QA team to find and record approximately 417 bugs, 389 of which were confirmed removed via extensive regression testing.
- Wrote Character Profiles and Dialogue for the 4 player characters and in-game enemies, providing personality of the characters in the game.

How to Play
Gameplay is divided into 2 modes with 1-4 players attempting to gain as high score of possible. In battle levels, players work together to maneuver through various levels and combat hordes of enemies with 3 unique weapons. upon defeating enough enemies and collecting enough food players are moved to an arena where they compete in one of 4 different minigames for a large boost to their score. when the players feel ready to they can choose to challenge a boss, but they must be wary as any deaths cost a significant amount of score.